Rage plugin script hook v crashes gta 5
Rage plugin script hook v crashes gta 5

rage plugin script hook v crashes gta 5

(2) Piracy: Posting or discussing illegal/pirated copies of the GTA V is prohibited.

rage plugin script hook v crashes gta 5

Rule 1 violations are subject to ban without warning at the mods' discretion. Trolling, rude, insensitive, and unnecessary comments are another. Sarcasm, leg-pulling, and reasonable jokes are one thing. All members are expected to conduct themselves in a reasonable manner. (1) Don't be a jerk: We have zero tolerance for disrespect directed at the community. If you want to know if you post is okay, read the rules. The focus in this sub is for updates of LSPDFR, and questions and answers from the community. Read all about the mod here Content Guidelines r/lspdfr is for news, announcements and discussion related to the LSPDFR modification for Grand Theft Auto 5.

Rage plugin script hook v crashes gta 5